Base installation

The base installation will allow you to automate web application and services, among other technologies such as databases.
The installation process is slightly different if you are wanting to run the automation from a development perspective, as opposed to a build server.

If you want to automate mobile applications, carry out the base installation first before proceeding with mobile.

Admin rights / root privileges

Before starting the installation process, it’s highly recommended that you obtain admin rights first.
While it’s possible to install without admin rights, the installation process differs in some places from what’s mentioned in this guide.

Operating system

The installation should be able to work on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Some steps may differ slightly between the operating system which you are installing against.

1. Install JDK 17 or greater

Download and install JDK 17 or greater

If you are using Linux or MacOS, you should be able to use a package manager for this step.

2. Install Browsers and WebDriver


You will need Chrome and any other browser which you choose to run your scenarios against installed on your machine.

WebDriver Drivers

You need to have a copy of the WebDriver drivers associated with your selected browsers, such as Chrome WebDriver executable accessible in your path variable.
Generally, this will be placed in a common directory such as /usr/local/share/chromedriver or c:\apps\webdriver\chromedriver.exe which you add to your path

To verify that the executable is available in your path, open a command prompt / terminal window and run chromedriver --version
You should see the version number printed out on screen.

The drivers required to run your browser, such as Chrome driver can be automatically installed before you run a scenario using WebDriverManager.
If you do not have direct internet access (for example, if you are accessing through a proxy) then it’s recommended that you download the drivers directly.
Linux and MacOS can use symlinks to achieve the same results as using the system path variable.

3. Install an IDE

If you are intending on developing automated scenarios, then an IDE is the best option. If you are wanting to install against a build server, then continue onto the next step.

The recommended IDE is IntelliJ IDEA, alternatively, you can use Eclipse.
After installing your IDE, download the cucumber plugin to enable easier interaction with cucumber feature files.

4. Install / configure Maven

If you have installed an IDE, then this step can be skipped as maven should be shipped along with it.
If you are installing on a build server, then install apache maven.

If you do not have a direct internet connection, or if you use a Maven server such as Nexus or Artifactory, then you will need to configure your local maven settings.
The settings file will normally be place in ~/.m2/settings.xml or c:\Users\<Your Username>\.m2\settings.xml

Next steps

Now that you have completed your base install, you can continue to running your first scenario.

It’s recommended that you run the basic scenarios first, before continuing to the additional steps required for mobile automation.